Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

Finding a job thats right for you and that your enjoy is something most people struggle with in life, they figure it is impossible to find a job in their passion. I feel it is crucial to have a job you are passionate about, rather then having a job you dread going to or even leads you into depression. People should embrace their talents and work to make then into a life career. I have yet to find that career that i have a great interest in, and i plan on traveling and finding new opportunities and career paths. I do not want to waste all my time and money on education for a career i may not even enjoy enough to stick with. I will explore different career paths and options till i find one thats right for me.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Novel Research

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is a a story about the struggles women living in Afghanistan have to go through due to the rules of the Taliban. Young girls, under the age of sixteen and encouraged by the Taliban to marry, about 80 percent of these marriages are reported as forced. Most of which are to men almost twice their age. Women are put through brutal conditions and have many unreasonable. Being abused by biological family and husband or even the Taliban if they violate any of the rules. It is very disturbing what women in Pakistan have to go through and they way the are treated.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Batman Forever review

Batman movies have been around for a long time most of which being quite good movies, with an exception of the movie Batman Forever (1995). Going from director Tim Burton to Joel Schumacher was one of the worst desicion made, rather then continuing the gothic edge Burton had created it to be, he over used neon colors making everything seem a bit on the cartoony side. Even the story line was awfully thought out, Batman was always so focused villains and the adventure of defeating them, in this movie carelessly romance was thrown distracting from the whole point of the movie. Even Batman's partner Robin plays a terrible role, causing riots and problems for everyone, it simply gets annoying. The super hero of everyone's childhood should not have been so diluted by all this sidekick and romance shit. It was completely unnecessary and was over done to the point of being dull and boring. Although i am a fan of Batman and  most of the movies this is one i would not likely be recommending.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Perils of Indifference

1. The danger of people standing by and not caring.

2. In the story "The Lottery" the towns people shocking end up stepping aside from the violence and let  it happen. Everyday people are standing by watching bad things go on without even realizing it. For example, in high school people are brutally bullied and harassed, students don't realize keeping quiet and allowing it to go on can build it up and eventually lead it to much more serious situations.

3. Elie Wiesel's speech talks about how peoples constant ignorance causes terrible events or even massacres, when everyone is raised seeing these horrible traditions and ways of living they can find it absurd when people with other point of views try to say it is wrong and should be stopped.

Creative Pursuits

Most people don't think like we do, they see us as disturbed, inhumane monsters. We on the other hand thought it was quite realistic. In reality, a baby costs a lot of money, it never ends with them. As they grow older the become more and more finicky, demanding everything new that comes out, especially the expensive things. It would be impossible to keep my husband, child and myself fed and taken care of, we'd last a few weeks tops. That baby would have been a drained us of ever penny we have and more!  Plus its not like we wanted it, this pooping, crying, messy creature, it was a complete mistake. I don't have the time nor patience to care for her. I think I'm doing her a favor handing her off to some poor baby deprived couple, why shouldn't I get something in return for it, i had to suffer through the pregnancy.  Though the government and everyone else seems to think different, and selling your new born on the Internet is in no way successful.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Walk a paragraph

The obnoxious buzzing slowly  brought me back to reality, dragging me out of my unconscious state. As i began to realize the wonders that occurred last night were merely a figment of my imagination , a pain pierces my heart and sorrow flows through my body. This has become normal to me now, something sort of expected. Every morning for the last six years i wake to the same magnificent dream. The dream where i am whole again, living life to the fullest, feelings as though i am invincible. Even though my mornings are rather depressing i know i must continue my casual routine. I make myself a cup of coffee and a slice of toast, as soon as i am cleaned up and dressed for the cool weather of the day i make my way out the door.  I start my journeying towards the mall, inhaling the fresh breeze, observing the patterns in the clouds slowly drifting across the open blue, eyeing the pigeons who dodged across the street from the odd car passing. I  go to my usual table in the food court by myself after picking up my keno cards, and carefully place out my lunch from out of my brown paper bag. Mindlessly i mark off numbers, nibble on my sandwich and watch as the young people ran around without a care. As the days go on, I live with no care but as i dream  i see her face and that is the place I truly want to be; though i cant, my heart will always.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

21st Century Education

I think the most important skills i will need for my post-high school life would just be basic subjects, math, socials, and science. These would give some background knowledge needed to succeed in everyday life and basic jobs. English would also be very important because communication is absolutely needed in order to keep the world going, without it many jobs would be very difficult. I think it is also very important to have a way of solving problems other then your standard right or wrong, we need to be able to think outside the box and solve things with our own creative minds. In high school right now i am learning most basic skills, but i think they could set up a different way of teaching so students don't just memorize work in order to get pass and say they did it, then move past. In the perfect school, tests would be eliminated and replaced with a different way of showing what they have learned rather then stressing students and not enabling them to prove they have learned the criteria. Also, rather then assignments that have to be done a certain way and have the one correct answer, we would be given more options to correspond with our unique ways of learning and presenting them. Next year after i graduate, i plan on taking time off to figure out what my passion is rather then forcing myself into more schooling and work that i dont enjoy.  I am hopefully going to travel to Australia and Europe, using this time to see what other options are out there that i may not have even know about.