Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

Finding a job thats right for you and that your enjoy is something most people struggle with in life, they figure it is impossible to find a job in their passion. I feel it is crucial to have a job you are passionate about, rather then having a job you dread going to or even leads you into depression. People should embrace their talents and work to make then into a life career. I have yet to find that career that i have a great interest in, and i plan on traveling and finding new opportunities and career paths. I do not want to waste all my time and money on education for a career i may not even enjoy enough to stick with. I will explore different career paths and options till i find one thats right for me.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Novel Research

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is a a story about the struggles women living in Afghanistan have to go through due to the rules of the Taliban. Young girls, under the age of sixteen and encouraged by the Taliban to marry, about 80 percent of these marriages are reported as forced. Most of which are to men almost twice their age. Women are put through brutal conditions and have many unreasonable. Being abused by biological family and husband or even the Taliban if they violate any of the rules. It is very disturbing what women in Pakistan have to go through and they way the are treated.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Batman Forever review

Batman movies have been around for a long time most of which being quite good movies, with an exception of the movie Batman Forever (1995). Going from director Tim Burton to Joel Schumacher was one of the worst desicion made, rather then continuing the gothic edge Burton had created it to be, he over used neon colors making everything seem a bit on the cartoony side. Even the story line was awfully thought out, Batman was always so focused villains and the adventure of defeating them, in this movie carelessly romance was thrown distracting from the whole point of the movie. Even Batman's partner Robin plays a terrible role, causing riots and problems for everyone, it simply gets annoying. The super hero of everyone's childhood should not have been so diluted by all this sidekick and romance shit. It was completely unnecessary and was over done to the point of being dull and boring. Although i am a fan of Batman and  most of the movies this is one i would not likely be recommending.