Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Walk a paragraph

The obnoxious buzzing slowly  brought me back to reality, dragging me out of my unconscious state. As i began to realize the wonders that occurred last night were merely a figment of my imagination , a pain pierces my heart and sorrow flows through my body. This has become normal to me now, something sort of expected. Every morning for the last six years i wake to the same magnificent dream. The dream where i am whole again, living life to the fullest, feelings as though i am invincible. Even though my mornings are rather depressing i know i must continue my casual routine. I make myself a cup of coffee and a slice of toast, as soon as i am cleaned up and dressed for the cool weather of the day i make my way out the door.  I start my journeying towards the mall, inhaling the fresh breeze, observing the patterns in the clouds slowly drifting across the open blue, eyeing the pigeons who dodged across the street from the odd car passing. I  go to my usual table in the food court by myself after picking up my keno cards, and carefully place out my lunch from out of my brown paper bag. Mindlessly i mark off numbers, nibble on my sandwich and watch as the young people ran around without a care. As the days go on, I live with no care but as i dream  i see her face and that is the place I truly want to be; though i cant, my heart will always.