Tuesday, February 15, 2011

21st Century Education

I think the most important skills i will need for my post-high school life would just be basic subjects, math, socials, and science. These would give some background knowledge needed to succeed in everyday life and basic jobs. English would also be very important because communication is absolutely needed in order to keep the world going, without it many jobs would be very difficult. I think it is also very important to have a way of solving problems other then your standard right or wrong, we need to be able to think outside the box and solve things with our own creative minds. In high school right now i am learning most basic skills, but i think they could set up a different way of teaching so students don't just memorize work in order to get pass and say they did it, then move past. In the perfect school, tests would be eliminated and replaced with a different way of showing what they have learned rather then stressing students and not enabling them to prove they have learned the criteria. Also, rather then assignments that have to be done a certain way and have the one correct answer, we would be given more options to correspond with our unique ways of learning and presenting them. Next year after i graduate, i plan on taking time off to figure out what my passion is rather then forcing myself into more schooling and work that i dont enjoy.  I am hopefully going to travel to Australia and Europe, using this time to see what other options are out there that i may not have even know about.

Monday, February 7, 2011

If i could have any superpower.

Out of any super power i could have in the world, i would choose extreme acceleration. I would have the abbility to do anything mind blowingly fast. My life would be much more efficient because I would be able to finish any task in an instant, and i would never get stressed because i would have so much spare time on my hands. With this power i would never even have to worry about being late because i could run there is seconds, which would also save me alot of money on gas. I feel like with this super power i could do anything i want to!